Thursday, November 6, 2008


Our good friends Rob and Janell McMinn. We don't get to see them very often, but we always have a good time when we are with them. Thanks guys for a memorable trip!

Need I say more? A Screaming time! Loved every minute of it. Wow I think you can almost count every tooth in my mouth!!

Hang Time baby- "Air Wendi"! This was super fun..and a little scary. We went on a zip line. There were 5 and each one got bigger. The scariest part was taking the first step off. The last zip line was crazy, over a 1000ft. and we went aprox. 45-50 mph. So the first picture is of the last line I went on!

Morning walks on the beach!

SwEeT KiSsEs iN HaWaIi!!! How I love to kiss my man!

Jared is amazing at everything he does. The instructors teach you on land and then take you out to the ocean and spend a couple hours with you. He had a blast!

Jared taking surf lessons from "Big Dog"...super funny guy with no teeth, but lives to drink and surf!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


My brother Kent and his wife Melanie

This picture shows Lilly's LOVE or obsession with shoes. Just to clarify shoes was her first word. Anyway, we were at the Hotel and I gave her a bath then wrapped her towel around her. I was cleaning up the bathroom and she slipped away. I walked out and she already had her shoes on and running around.

This was such a fun weekend. So I know I am totally doing this backwards starting with Halloween and working back. But early September we took the kids to Seattle on a Friday for the Mariner vs. Yankee game. We met my brother Kent and his wife at Red Robin and had a yummy lunch and then headed to the game. There at the game we ran into my other brother Ritch and Rebecca and a couple of his kids. It was so fun, after the game we had a long hike back to our hotel. After a LOOOOOOOONNNNNGGGG time our kids were starting to struggle. I think it was mostly my fault because I thought, "no big deal we can walk to the hotel it can't be that far, I've got boys, they can handle it"....well I was wrong. Jared finally found a taxi and he was going to send me and some of the kids in it and try to find another....but I said no way! I don't think we were in the best part of was pretty dark and we were starting to see some weird things. So I squished everyone in this taxi, YES, all 7 of us and the driver looked at me like are you NUTS! Yes, I am!

The next morning we went to the BYU VS. WASHINGTON game. It was a really fun weekend and Lilly came back chanting...EYU, EYU for BYU!

Ready For Church

Dallin, Nathan and Lilly

Lilly styles her own hair!!!

Lilly had fun with a comb and Vaseline! I washed it 5 times and even tried baking soda. It was funny! The next couple of days her hair had this weird texture to it. Can't take your eyes of them for a minute!

Happy Halloween

Lilly was crackin up at Brendon

Here is our scary bunch! Lilly a cheerleader, Brendon...I'm not sure, a freak I think, Nathan the skeleton man, Dallin the Ninja and Devin the sports fanatic. We took Lilly to our neighbors homes and then came back to hand out candy while Dallin, Nathan and Brendon went with our neighbors AJ and Noah Comstock around Hansen Park. Brendon tricked me though and wore one of AJ's costumes from last year. They came trick or treating at our home and I had no idea who he was. He was in this really scary costume. Before I could grab the camera he was off to the next house. Devin had 7 of his friends over for a party. It was a late night but super fun for all of the kids. Mom and Dad still recovering! hee- hee