Sunday, May 10, 2009

Disney World May 2009!

SURPRISE...YOUR GOING TO DISNEY WORLD! Well something like that. Jared and I planned a trip for our family several months ago without telling the kids. So Last Friday I packed all the kids clothes and Saturday morning we woke them up at 4:30 a.m. and told them we were going on a trip but didn't tell them where. Wait...let's back up. Friday night I pulled out TONS of homework that their teachers arranged for me and told the kids it was a homework/popcorn party. The kids couldn't believe all the homework and what in the world- on a Friday night???? Why so much homework? But they were pretty good sports and the just did it. So now fast forward to Saturday. We check in at the Pasco airport and the kids think we are going to spend the day in Seattle...once we get to Seattle we head to our next gate to catch our flight to Orlando. That is when the boys realize we are headed to Florida. Nathan did a little dance and said," I'm so excited, Disney World has the best frozen Lemonade!"- funny stuff. We took Rebecca Hamson along to help with the kids. She was absolutely wonderful and it was great to have an extra set of hands. Jared and I even got out for a dinner date at Narcosee's- that was refreshing to get out for a while without the kids and have some time with my sweetie. My favorite was Universal Studios. I love roller coasters and water rides! The weather was nice and hot! It was a fabulous-fun packed week, now I get to catch up on laundry and the weeds that didn't take vacation!


Steph said...

I love that you surprised the kids, and I'm with you: I love roller coasters, too. :o)

Shelli said...

SO SO FUN! We are going to take our kids next year since they have never been and we keep promising. Love the pictures, sounds like a blast. Glad you are back!